I began working in regulated cannabis in 2011 as a budtender. I began writing cannabis business applications and standard operating procedures in 2014. I have been an independent cannabis consultant and technical writer since 2017.

I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project and remain singularly focused on my client’s success.


Past Clients & Brands I’ve Worked With

I am proud to have an article featured in the Music Edition of Fat Nugs Magazine.


I help cannabis businesses with these Services:

  • Technical Writing & Custom Documentation

  • Cannabis Business Licensing & Application Writing

  • Business Plans

  • Business Development

  • Operational Consulting

  • Standard Operating Procedures

  • Custom Branded Document Templates

  • Employee Training & Learning Management Systems


Working With Me





Thank you for supporting independent women, indigenous & minority owned businesses

General Policies

I bring a little humor, a lot of experience, and deep empathy to every project. These policies have grown from my years doing this work. Please keep that in mind when considering working with me.

All clients must sign a Contract for Services to officially engage me in business.

No consulting services will be provided in advance of an official engagement resulting from a signed Contract for Services.

Meeting Policies

  • I will stay on the call or video meeting for 10 minutes past the scheduled meeting time to allow for any technical difficulties to be overcome by the client or to allow a few extra minutes to join the call if the client is running late. This time is always charged hourly to the client.

  • If the client does not attend the previously scheduled meeting and does not provide notice to cancel or reschedule, the client will be billed a Missed Meeting Fee of $25 per occurrence.

  • I greatly appreciate when clients provide advance notice to reschedule or cancel meetings. I require at least 1 hours’ notice, if possible.

  • Ghosting isn’t cool. Please don’t do it. I would prefer to receive a late notice of rescheduling or cancellation than no notice at all.

Payment Methods

I accept payment via ACH/Wire Transfer, Business Check (no personal checks), Cash, Venmo or CashApp. I provide proof of paid invoices and/or receipts for payment in all forms for tax purposes.

Communication Policies

Clients can contact me using the following methods: Email, phone, or text message on my designated business line.

I will respond to emails and calls within 24-48 hours, unless I am out of office.

I will update my email and voicemail if I expect to be out of office for three (3) or more days.

Clients may NOT contact me using personal contact methods. Please respect my privacy.

Payment Policies & Fees

All engagements of $1,000 or more will require a minimum $500 project deposit, billable and due upon execution of the Contract for Services.

All engagements of $1,000 or less will require a 50% minimum project deposit, billable and due upon execution of the Contract for Services.

I hate fees. I don’t want to charge them. However, some clients abuse my generosity of time and preparation. As such, I do charge fees under very specific circumstances. See below.

  • Missed Meeting Fee of $25 per occurrence.

  • Late Payment Fee of $50 billed 15 days following the due date.

  • Expedited Project Fees vary depending upon the SOW and turnaround time.

Every client and every engagement is different. I customize my services to meet the needs of your business.

For instantly useful tools and resources, visit my online store to buy my products and services now.

To schedule a free 20-minute introductory call, contact me at Layle@laylewrites.com or text (510) 833-7278.


from my home in colorado or anywhere I am in the world,

my work is made with love.

Littleton, CO